Friday, April 10, 2009

"The Peasant's Dream" by Elchin (Azerbaijan)

Once upon a time, there was a peasant who lived in a village. He had only a small hut and a hen. One time the villager who was poor and jobless decided to sell his eggs in a bazaar. He collected all of the eggs and went on his way to the bazaar. He arrived there, and he put the eggs in front of him to sell. For one moment he began to dream of the future. He was talking to himself, “After selling the eggs, I will buy a kid (goat). Then I will feed it. It will grow up. After it grows up, I will sell it and buy a calf. I will raise cattle and begin to trade in livestock. Then I will become a rich merchant. The king will hear about me, and he will request that I marry his daughter, but I will decline his suggestion. When he goes down on his knee and begs me to do it, I will kick him with my foot on his chin.” When the peasant kicked, he wrecked all of the eggs. He returned without any benefit.

American moral: Don’t count all your chickens before they are hatched.

Azerbaijan moral: Don’t say opp! Before jumping over a ditch (or hole), “opp!” is what you say before you jump over something.

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